Cleanings Specialist

Ideal Dental of Tucson
General Dentists & Dental Implant Specialists located in Tucson, AZ
Getting routine dental cleanings is one of the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent dental decay. At Ideal Dental of Tucson in Tucson, Arizona, board-certified dentist Dallin Williams, DDS, and his team offer quality dental cleanings using state-of-the-art equipment to give you the beautiful bright smile you deserve. Schedule dental cleanings with the experts at Ideal Dental of Tucson by phone or use the online booking feature today.
Cleanings Q&A
What are dental cleanings?
Dental cleanings at Ideal Dental of Tucson involve professional teeth cleanings that significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The experienced dental team removes hard-to-reach plaque and tartar near your gum line and between teeth to keep your smile healthy and beautiful. They offer teeth cleanings for children of all ages, teenagers, and adults.
How often should I schedule dental cleanings?
Unless your provider recommends more frequent dental cleanings because of gum disease or frequent tooth decay, schedule professional cleanings every six months. Doing so helps you maintain optimal tooth and gum health. After a dental cleaning, Dr. Williams can complete an exam to rule out or detect early signs of tooth decay before serious complications develop.
What should I expect during my appointment?
The friendly staff members at Ideal Dental of Tucson greet you when you arrive for a teeth cleaning. You relax in a comfortable dental chair while your provider reviews your oral health history. They ask about symptoms you may have and recommend dental X-rays if you’re due for them.
A hygienist uses special dental tools to painlessly remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. They also floss your teeth and use professional-strength toothpaste to thoroughly clean and brighten your teeth. Providers offer fluoride treatment to prevent tooth decay between dental cleanings.
After cleanings, Dr. Williams examines your teeth, gums, and dental X-rays as needed to let you know if you require a filling, crown, root canal, or other treatments to restore decayed or damaged teeth. He and his team offer sealants to protect your molars from future decay.
How can I keep my teeth clean at home?
To properly care for your teeth at home and avoid cavities and gum disease, follow a few simple tips:
- Brush your teeth at least twice daily
- Use toothpaste containing fluoride
- Floss every day
- Limit sugary drinks and sweets
- Eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables
- Don’t chew on ice or other hard objects
- Wear a mouthguard if you grind at night
Don’t neglect your oral health when routine dental cleanings significantly reduce your risk of dental decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Schedule an appointment with Ideal Dental of Tucson by phone or online today.
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